Monday, May 23, 2011

Traditional Creatures

Been a while since i really drew traditionally.  Thought i needed some creatures in the old portfolio. 

Let me know what you think!


tiffannysketchbook said...

wow i love your character work. Your portfolio is awesome! Nice blog sir!

Denny said...

Awesome lines!!!

Elena and Olivia Ceballos said...


L Rossi said...

Great blog you have here!
Really like the first image - I'd love to see him in a more dynamic pose though like your other super hero drawings....
To see him hurtling towards the screen in perspective would be awesome!

Bastien "Loobi" Pourchier said...

Dope Style "J" !!!
Really dude, i love your work ;)

The Ivanator said...

Really diggin' the last monster

Jmontiel said...

Awesome works!!!

Unknown said...

I like it! is there a reason why its drawn in blue?

Amanda Dockery said...

K so you're just amazing! Thanks for the comment! :)

George Bletsis said...

Wow, the shapes you're using are great! The head and neck area of the first guy in particular are just awesome!

Jordan C Fong said...

I like the new sites. Very inviting and a good vibe.

TJ Lubrano said...

Hello hello! Looove the first one. Especially his head. I think he's about to make a swift movement there and start a battle hehe :D

Enjoy your week!


Yizard (Dani SepĂșlveda Mata) said...

the second creature, its so great

thanks for coment

see yaa

Adam Temple said...

Nice creatures!

M said...

love the elongated shoulder neck area of the last creature :D.